- Pulse Gymnastics expects children and young people who participate in their activities to have a safe and happy experience. Pulse supports and respects children, young people, staff, officials, families, volunteers and participants.
- The aim of this Policy is to protect the safety of children in our care. In the event that allegations are raised in relation to child abuse, to ensure all allegations are properly addressed, all complaints will be treated seriously and will be fully investigated and handled with maximum confidentiality and discretion.
- Pulse is committed to providing the highest level of service across all areas. This includes protecting member’s privacy, providing a positive environment for children, promoting and encouraging positive behaviour and attitude. It also includes protecting the health and safety of our members, staff and particularly children.
- Pulse views the health, safety and welfare of its members as a top priority. We believe that this is necessary in running a successful club.
- Pulse has a zero tolerance towards child abuse; therefore Pulse is committed to promoting and protecting children from abuse and neglect. All children have equal rights to protection of child abuse regardless of their sex, religion, disability or sexual orientation.
- Child protection is a shared responsibility between Pulse, its employees, workers, associates, spectators, volunteers, families and members. Everyone that participates in Pulse’s activities is responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse.
- Pulse supports active participation of all children. Pulse listens to children’s views and respect what they say. Pulse involves them when making decisions where appropriate, especially when matters directly affect them.
- Pulse is committed to the cultural safety of indigenous children, and those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, Pulse is committed to providing a safe environment for children living with a disability. Pulse promotes fairness and consideration.
- If a report is made to regarding a child’s safety. Pulse Gymnastics will ensure the report is kept confidential and private and will ensure records are kept safely and securely and made only available to the MPIO &/or Manager &/or External Agencies if required.
- All reports regarding child safety &/or membership protection will follow Gymnastics Australia Child Safe Policy flow chart – Procedure for reporting and responding to child abuse allegations or Member Protection Policy flow chart – complaints handling process.
- A full copy of Pulse Gymnastics Child Safe and Child Friendly Policy is available per request and can also be found on the club website and displayed in the viewing area.
The Policy applies to all participants, employees, coaches, parents, spectators, contractors, judges and staff throughout all Pulse activities. This Policy is supported by Gymnastics Victoria. Failure to comply with this Policy may cause Pulse to terminate membership and contact Gymnastics Victoria in relation to the breach.
- A person may, in the course of participating in the sport or activities of Pulse or carrying out their role of Pulse form a belief on reasonable grounds that a child is in need of protection from child abuse.
Pulse Gymnastics has a zero tolerance of child abuse and will treat all allegations of child abuse and/or misconduct with a child seriously, consistently and with a high degree of sensitivity. Pulse gymnastics recognises that every child has the right to be heard, supported and protected and for their concerns to be managed appropriately. Pulse gymnastics will seek to resolve the concerns of the child and/or their family in accordance with this policy.
All applicable persons are required to identify, report and respond immediately (or where reasonably practicable) to any concerns, suspicions or incidents of child abuse or misconduct with a child to the Manager or Membership Protection Officer and relevant paperwork must be completed.
Any child who attends Pulse Gymnastics can report child abuse or misconduct matters to a member of staff and the above procedures will be followed with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.
Anonymous Complains
Please refer to Gymnastics Australia (GA) Child Safe Policy 14.8 on anonymous complains handling process.
If a person is concerned about an immediate risk to a child’s safety, the person must phone 000 as soon as it is practical.
Child abuse is divided into four categories:
- Physical abuse: occurs when a child has suffered, or likely to suffer significant harm as a result of a physical injury. Non accidental.
- Sexual abuse: occurs when a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm as a result of sexual abuse. When a child is exploited or used by another for his/her sexual gratification or sexual arousal.
- Emotional and psychological abuse: occurs when a child has suffered, or likely to suffer emotional or psychological harm of such a kind that the child’s emotional or intellectual development is likely to be significantly damaged.
- Neglect: occurs when a child’s physical development or health has been or is likely to be significantly damaged. Such as depriving a child of food, clothing, hygiene, intellectual stimulation, supervision, safety, affection from adults and medical care.
- Mandatory & Voluntary Reporting
Pulse gymnastics follows Victorian legislative requirements regarding mandatory reporting and reportable conduct.
Selected classes of people in the community are required by law to report to the child protection unit of the department of health and human services where they form a belief, on reasonable grounds, that a child is in need of protection because they have suffered or are likely to suffer significant harm due to physical or sexual abuse.
The selected class of people include teachers, nurses and doctors.
The report must be made as soon as practical and after each occasion where he or she becomes aware of a further reasonable grounds or belief.
- Reasonable grounds of belief – to form a reasonable belief, you should consider all relevant facts; such as source of allegation and how it was communicated, the nature of and the details of allegation and whether there are any other related matters known regarding the alleged perpetrator.
- A reasonable belief or a belief on reasonable grounds is not the same as having proof but is more than a rumour or speculation.
You will have reasonable grounds to notify if:
- a) A child states that they have been physically or sexually abused.
- b) A child states that they know someone who has been physically or sexually abused. (Sometimes the child is talking about themselves).
- c) Someone who knows a child states that the child has been physically or sexually abused.
- d) Professional observations of the child’s behaviour or development leads a professional to form a belief that the child has been physically or sexually abused or is likely to be abused.
- e) Signs of abuse lead to a belief that the child has been physically or sexually abused.
In addition to mandatory reporting obligations any person who believes on reasonable grounds that a child is in need of protection from any form of child abuse may disclose that information to the Police or DHHS.
Mandatory Reporting Physical Injury or sexual abuse Who Registered medical practitioners, nurses, midwives, a person registered as a teacher or an early childhood teacher under the Education and Training and Reform Act 2006 (ETR Act) or teachers granted permission to teach under that act; principles of government or nongovernment schools within the meaning of the ETR act and police officers
Mandatory Reporting Sexual offence against a child by an adult Who Any Adult
Voluntary Reporting Significant concern for the Any Adult wellbeing of a child (anyone under 17yrs old) Who Any Adult
6. Reporting Child sexual abuse
If a person receives information that leads them to form a reasonable belief on reasonable grounds that a sexual offence has been committed in Victoria against a child Under the age of 16 years) by another person (of or over the age of 18 years, the person has a legal obligation to disclose that information to the Police as soon as practical
7. Pulse Gymnastics approach to reports of abuse
Pulse will provide support to a person to report to the Police or DHHS if the person forms a belief on reasonable grounds that a child is in need of protection or they are concerned for the child’s safety, health and wellbeing. Any person that makes a report in good faith in accordance with their reporting obligations will be supported by Pulse and will not be penalised for making the report.
If a person is uncertain whether they should make a report to an external authority, they may talk to the Managing director of Pulse or Gymnastics Victoria or The Member protection Officer of Pulse Gymnastics or Gymnastics Victoria. If in doubt ask for assistance.
If an allegation is made against a member of staff or a volunteer Pulse will follow the reporting procedure and take all steps to ensure that the safety of the child is paramount. An initial step will involve the withdrawal of the accused person from their active role or only working under direct supervision during investigation. The appropriate steps depending on allegation will be taken.
Pulse will investigate allegations of inappropriate conduct against a child in accordance with procedural fairness and will handle in a confidential manner to the greatest extent possible.
8. Failure to Disclose & Failure to Protect Legislative Requirements
Pulse gymnastics follows all Victorian legislative requirements relating to Failure to Disclose and Failure to Protect.
For further information please read attached fact sheets
No official of Pulse should be alone in the room with a participant without the presence of another adult; the doors should always be left open. Should it be necessary for an official to be alone in a room with an athlete, the Head Coach or managing Director must be informed. This requirement does not apply to parents when in a room with their child.
Members under the age of 18 must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult. Pulse Gymnastics will supply a level of supervision adequate and relevant to the participant’s age, maturity and nature of activity. If a member of Pulse finds a participant under the age of 18 is unsupervised, they should assume responsibility for the member’s safety until the parent, carer or guardian arrives.
Parents must turn up on time to collect their child for the reasons of courtesy and safety. If it appears a participant will be left alone after a training session with just one child, another staff member or official will be asked to stay until the child is collected.
Parents, guardians and carers are responsible for transportation of their child to and from training, events organised by Pulse and competitions. If where appropriate a staff member of Pulse needs to provide assistance with travel of a participant to training or a competition there must be more than one participant or more than one staff member in the vehicle. Staff members have ‘a duty of care’ towards participants in their care. This does not apply to parents and legal guardians travelling with their own child OR if a parent and participant travel with a staff member. Written permission from the child’s parent, carer or guardian must be obtained. No unnecessary stops to the destination must be made, unless scheduled.
The above procedure applies other than in an emergency. In case of emergency, managing director Natasha Stevenson must be notified as soon as possible.
During all activities and events, staff and officials of Pulse must not, under any circumstances engage in conduct of a sexual nature with a participant.
Spotting is a necessary part of gymnastics that is required for safety of all athletes. All coaches must ensure all physical contact with the athletes which occurs when spotting is appropriate for the situation and necessary for the athletes safety.
Coaches must take care to explain the spotting procedure to the participant.
Pulse undertakes a comprehensive recruitment and screening process for all staff members. The aim of this process is:
- Promote and protect the safety of all children who participate in activities.
- Identify and recruit the safest and most suitable candidates who share Pulse’s values and commitment to protect children and prevent a person working for Pulse if they pose an unacceptable risk to children.
Pulse requires all staff and officials to pass the recruitment and screening process prior to starting their engagement with Pulse.
As part of the recruitment process all applicants must have a valid WWC Check or a VIT Teaching card. Applicants may be required to provide a Police check in accordance to the law. Pulse will undertake reference checks. Applicants must read all of Pulse Gymnastics policies and procedures before commencement and acknowledge their understanding.
Images of children can be used inappropriately or illegally.
Pulse Gymnastics requires that members obtain parents and/or guardian’s consent before taking an image of a child that is not their own and ensure the parent and/or guardian knows the way the image will be used.
Pulse Gymnastics requires parent and/or guardian’s consent for their child’s photograph to be used by Pulse Gymnastics for display posters, advertising, Pulse gymnastics website; Facebook page and Instagram Account. Pulse Gymnastics will not use any photos without consent.
Privacy is extremely important, the use of camera phones, videos and cameras are not allowed to be used in toilets or changing areas.
The use of children as screen savers or on backgrounds on personal electronic devices is not appropriate for Pulse staff and officials, unless it is their child.
Creating an alternative channel with a child outside the workplace incl social media is not acceptable behaviour. Pulse staff and officials must not have members under the age of 18 as friends or be following their pages on Facebook, Instagram, Snap chat etc. Coaches and Judges who are also gymnasts may have team members under the age of 18 as friends on Social media